Thursday, December 22, 2016


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It is the lenses composing the objective which initiate the magnifying process. An objective operates at a distance  from the object that is roughly equal to its focal length, and admits rays that are to form a real, an inverted, enlarge image in the upper part of the tube. At this point, there is interposed another lens, the field lens whose function is to collect the diverging rays of the primary image so that they may pass through the eye lens of the piece which magnifies the image still further. The field lens is accommodated in the lower plane of the eye piece. Rays, as they leave the eyes piece to reach the observer’s eye, are once more divergent and thus the image seen by the retina is virtual, appearing to be about 25 cm (10 inches) in front of the eyes.

Formation of The Image is three types :- 

A.  Magnification
B.  Resolution
C.  Oil Immersion Objective

A.   Magnification :- The  magnification  of the  object is  determined by multiplying the power of the Objective (X inscribed on the objective or eye piece denotes the Unit of the Magnification).For example, if the eye piece magnification is 10x and that of objective lens is 100x, then a given object gets magnified by 1,000 times.

 B. Resolution :- The  limit of  useful  magnification is  set by the  resolving  power  of the  lens i.e. its ability to reveal closely the adjacent structural details as separate and distinct. It is this  power which determines the amount of structural details that can be observed.

 C. Oil Immersion Objective:- Oil immersion objective is most frequently used in Haematology
                                                      because of its Greater Magnification and Resolution.
It has been seen that any factor which reduces the amount of rays falling on the objective, impairs the quality of the image. In case of oil immersion objective, the space between the object and the objective lens is filled with some transparent  fluid (such as liquid paraffin, glycerin or transparent oil) with the same refractive index as glass (=1.515) then the rays of light do not undergo refraction and pass directly into the objective. The most commonly used fluid is the cedar wood oil

Thanking you

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